Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to Avoid "The Clock"

When people find out that I am studying Children's Literature, a pretty large number of them reference a comedy sketch by Brian Regan, called "The Clock." In this sketch, the comedian harangues a certain type of children's book that, though it seems to have no real content, costs an exorbitantly high $12. Sadly, his depiction is pretty dead on. Every year, hundreds of thousands of books are published for kids, the vast majority of which are fluff, brightly colored fluff.

As someone who is getting her MA in Children's Literature, and who works in a Children's Bookstore on the side, I see this fluff firsthand and I am sick of it, especially because there are so many truly AMAZING picture books out there for little ones.

This blog is my fight against fluff.

Stay tuned for reviews of only the best picture books, books that kids are sure to devour, and parents will never tire of reading (and yes, re-reading) at bedtime.